
52X13’ (sesaon 1) – 26×13′ (season 2 and 3)

At the age of 9, Yakari, a young Sioux, is free as the air. Freedom loving, curious and eager to discover new things, Yakari is able to talk to the animals, a gift passed on to him by his animal totem, Grand Aigle. Helped by Petit Tonnerre, his faithful pony and his friends Arc en Ciel and Graine de Bison, he shows us how the animals live and introduces us to the natural world so dear to Native Americans.

Author : Marie-Luz Drouet from the comic strip by Derib & Jo
Format : 52X13’ (sesaon 1) – 26×13′ (season 2 and 3)
Production date : 2005 – 2013
Broadcasters : France 3 / RTBF
Producers : Storimages / 2 Minutes / Belvision / France 3
Director : Xavier Giacometti
Category : Série TV
Technical specifications : 2D
Audience : Kids

Logo Yakari - Dessin animée Kids - 2 MINUTES
Yakari - Dessin animée Kids - Co production studio d'animation 2 minutes