Shuriken School


The extraordinary adventures of 10-year old Eizan Kaburagi and his friends during their first year in Ninja school… Bizarre and absurd incidents follow on from one another in an educational establishment with very unorthodox teaching methods… Inventing new weapons with the (few) materials to hand, our heroes learn to blend into the walls, to disappear in a cloud of smoke and fly over the rooftops!

Author : Pascal Morelli
Format : 26X26′
Production date : 2006
Broadcaster : Gulli
Producers : Xilam Animation / Zinkia Entertainment
Director : Pascal Morelli
Category : Série TV
Technical specifications : 2D
Audience : Kids

Logo Shuriken School - Dessin animée 2D - Diffuseur Gulli - Studio animation 2 minutes
Shuriken School - Dessin animée 2D - Diffuseur Gulli - Studio animation 2 minutes